Fairy Tales Reception

This week all three Reception classes from Bengeworth CE Academy came out to the farm. The children all did very well with the extremely muddy conditions. I have washed a lot of wellies this week. 

Their topic of the term is fairy tales and we had fun remembering as many fairy tales as we could. I did put out props along the kitchen worktop to give the children ideas. Sadly one of my seven dwarfs appears to have gone on holiday, as I was down on numbers. 

The children were asked to find a partner and in their pairs each given a toy pig. We went out to the large cow shed and used straw to make a home for the first pig. The children saw how farmers use straw for calf bedding. They also experienced being sucked by calves and how the wind blows straw about. After seeing the one year old calves eating their breakfast we then headed off into the woods. 

The children then made a house of sticks for their pig. There were some great ideas and many children remembered a chimney for the house. Then for the third house made of bricks, the children used my wooden shapes collection. I was very impressed how the children used the shapes. 

After lunch the play wood was a great hit. One group invented a new game for me which I now call the walking see-saw and will use with other groups. 

Tags: Fairy Tales